WMS Animator


Standard WMS can generate static maps only. There is a number of use cases in which generating an animation is of interest. An obvious case is time-based animation. Other uses include elevation-based animation, varying the values of SQL View or SLD substitution parameters, or the changing the extent of the generated map to produce the appearance of a moving viewport.

This capability is provided by the WMS Animator. The WMS Animator works in a similar way to the WMS Reflector. It uses a provided partial WMS request as a template, and the animator parameters are used to generate and execute a sequence of complete requests. The rendered map images are combined into a single output image (in a format that supports multi-frame images).

The Animator is invoked by using the wms/animate request path. Any WMS paramaters can be animated, including nested ones such as SLD environment variables. To define the appearance of the animation additional parameters are provided:

  • aparam specifies the name of the parameter that will be changed in the request for each frame. This can be any WMS parameter such as layers, cql_filter, bbox, style and so on. Nested parameters (such as required by the format_options, env and view_params parameters), are supported using the syntax of param:name (for example, view_params:year).
  • avalues is a comma-separated list of the values the animation parameter has for each frame. If a value contain commas these must be escaped using a backslash. (For instance, this occurs when providing BBOX values.)

The Animator parses the input values and uses string replacement to generate the sequence of WMS requests to be executed. Each generated request is executed to produce one frame. It is up to the caller to ensure the provided animation parameters result in valid WMS requests.

For example, to generate an animation of a layer with the viewport scrolling towards the east, the WMS BBOX parameter is given the series of values -90,40,-60,70, -80,40,-60,70 and -70,40,-50,70 (note the escaping of the commas in the BBOX values):


For an example of nested parameters, assume the existence of a style named selection using an SLD variable color. The following request creates an animated map where the selection color changes between red, green and blue


Using the WMS Animator

To invoke the WMS Animator specify the path wms/animate instead of wms in a GetMap request.

Every Animator request must specify the layers, aparam and avalues parameters. Any other valid WMS parameters may be used in the request as well. If any necessary parameters are omitted, the Animator provides sensible default values for them. The following defaults are used:

Parameter Default Value
request getmap
service wms
version 1.1.1
format image/png
width 512
height 512 if width is not specified
srs EPSG:4326, or SRS common to all layers
bbox bounds of specified layer(s)
styles default styles configured for specified layer(s)

Further details of these parameters are:

layers: This is the only mandatory standard parameter. It is a comma-separated list of the layers to be included in the output map.

format: The default output format is image/png. Supported values are image/jpeg (suitable for raster backgrounds), image/png8 (8-bit colors, smaller files) and image/gif


In order to produce an actual animated image the format must support animation. At this time the only one provide in GeoServer is image/gif;subtype=animated

width: Describes the width of the image. It defaults to 512 pixels, and can be calculated based on the specified height and the aspect ratio of the bounding box.

height: Describes the height of the image. It can be calculated based on the specified width and the aspect ratio of the bounding box.

bbox: Specifies the extent of the map frame. The default bounding box is determined by taking the union of the bounds of the specified layers. (For example, if one layer shows Los Angeles and another shows New York, the default map shows most of the United States. The bounding box also determines the aspect ratio of the map. If only one of width or height is specified, the other is determined based on the aspect ratio of the bounding box.

styles: The default value is the default styles configured in GeoServer for the layers specified in the layers parameter. This can be overridden by providing a comma-separated list of style names (which must be known to the server).

srs: If all layers share the same SRS, this is used as the default value. Otherwise, the default value is EPSG:4326 (WGS84).

Animation Options

The Animator provides options to control looping and frame speed. These are specified using the format_options WMS parameter. The available options are:

Option Description
gif_loop_continuously If true the animation will loop continuously. The default is false.
gif_frames_delay Specifies the frame delay in milliseconds. The default is 1000 ms.
gif_disposal Specifies what to do with the previous GIF frame once a new frame is displayed. Valid values are none, doNotDispose, backgroundColor and previous. The default is none.

Example 1

Requests the layer topp:states, using the default style (demographic), width (512 pixels) and height (adjusted to aspect ratio). The aparam=bbox parameter specifies that the output animation has two frames, one using a whole-world extent and the other with the extent of the USA. This gives the effect of zooming in.


Example 2

Requests the layers topp:states and sf:restricted, using format_options=gif_loop_continuosly:true to request an infinite loop animation. The output map uses the default styles, the specified width (640 pixels), and the height automatically adjusted to the aspect ratio.


Example 3

The following request uses the format_options of gif_loop_continuosly:true and gif_frames_delay:10 to rotate the map image fast and continously.


Displaying frame parameters as decorations

It is possible to decorate each frame image with the avalue parameter value that generated it using the WMS Decorations text decoration. The current animation parameter value can be accessed via the avalue environment variable. (This environment variable can also be used in Variable substitution in SLD.)

Here is an example that uses a decoration showing the frame parameter value:


It uses the following decoration layout, located in layouts/message.xml:

  <decoration type="text" affinity="bottom,right" offset="6,6">
    <option name="message" value="${avalue}"/>
    <option name="font-size" value="12"/>
    <option name="font-family" value="Arial"/>
    <option name="halo-radius" value="2"/>

Specifying WMS Animator default behaviour

The GeoServer Adinistrator GUI allows specifying some limits and default options for the WMS Animator. The settings are made on the Services > WMS config screen as shown below:


WMS Animator default settings

The first three options set server limits on the animation output. It is possible to set the maximum number of frames an animation can contain, the maximum rendering time to produce an animation and the maximum size of the whole animation.

The default animation frame delay (expressed in ms) looping behaviour and disposal method can be set as well. These values can be overridden by using the format_options parameter as described above.

Previous: WMS Reflector