PostgreSQL 计算指定的日期时间相对于指定的日期经过了多少秒

drop function if exists date_diff_second(timestamptz);
create or replace function  date_diff_second(timestamptz)
  returns float8
as $$
	with cte as(
		select ($1-($1::date)) as diff
			(extract(hour from diff) * 3600) +
			(extract(minute from diff) * 60) +
			extract(second from diff)
	from cte;
$$ language sql strict;
select date_diff_second('2018-04-12 10:11:09.043825+08'::timestamptz)
select '2018-04-12 10:11:09.043825+08', ('2018-04-12'::date + make_interval(secs=>36669.043825))::timestamptz

遵循的规律为: 四年一闰,百年不闰,四百年再闰.

#define isleap(y) (((y) % 4) == 0 && (((y) % 100) != 0 || ((y) % 400) == 0))
drop function if exists isleap(timestamp);
drop function if exists isleap(timestamptz);
drop function if exists isleap(date);
create or replace function  isleap(timestamptz)
  returns boolean
as $$
	select (((y) % 4) = 0 and (((y) % 100) <> 0 or ((y) % 400) = 0))
		from cast(extract(year from $1) as integer ) as y
$$ language sql strict;

create or replace function  isleap(timestamp)
  returns boolean
as $$
	select (((y) % 4) = 0 and (((y) % 100) <> 0 or ((y) % 400) = 0))
		from cast(extract(year from $1) as integer ) as y
$$ language sql strict;

create or replace function  isleap(date)
  returns boolean
as $$
	select (((y) % 4) = 0 and (((y) % 100) <> 0 or ((y) % 400) = 0))
		from cast(extract(year from $1) as integer ) as y
$$ language sql strict;


with cte as(
    select (case when isleap(year) then 
            end) as days
    from generate_series(1900,2018-1) as year
),calc as(
    select sum(days) as f1,('2018-01-01'::date - '1900-01-01'::date )  as f2 from cte
)select *, f1*24*3600 from calc

  f1   |  f2   |  ?column?  
 43099 | 43099 | 3723753600


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