Arcpy 复制数据库


import arcpy
from arcpy import env
import os
# Allow for the overwriting of file geodatabases, if they already exist #
env.overwriteOutput = True
# Set workspace to folder containing personal geodatabases #
env.workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
# Identify personal geodatabases #
for pgdb in arcpy.ListWorkspaces("*", "FileGDB"):
    # Set workspace to current personal geodatabase#
    print pgdb
    env.workspace = pgdb
    # Create file geodatabase based on personal geodatabase#
    fgdb = pgdb[:-4] + "2.gdb"
    arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(os.path.dirname(fgdb), os.path.basename(fgdb))
    # Identify feature classes and copy to file gdb     #
    for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses():
        print "Copying feature class " + fc + " to " + fgdb
        arcpy.Copy_management(fc, fgdb + os.sep + fc)
    # Identify tables and copy to file gdb #
    for table in arcpy.ListTables():
        print "Copying table " + table + " to " + fgdb
        arcpy.Copy_management(table, fgdb + os.sep + table)
    # Identify datasets and copy to file gdb
    # Copy will include contents of datasets#
    for dataset in arcpy.ListDatasets():
        print "Copying dataset " + dataset + " to " + fgdb
        arcpy.Copy_management(dataset, fgdb + os.sep + dataset)


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