Module: ol/style/Text




Type Definitions


Name Type Argument Default Description
font string <optional>

Font style as CSS 'font' value, see: Default is '10px sans-serif'

maxAngle number <optional>

When placement is set to 'line', allow a maximum angle between adjacent characters. The expected value is in radians, and the default is 45° (Math.PI / 4).

offsetX number <optional>

Horizontal text offset in pixels. A positive will shift the text right.

offsetY number <optional>

Vertical text offset in pixels. A positive will shift the text down.

overflow boolean <optional>

For polygon labels or when placement is set to 'line', allow text to exceed the width of the polygon at the label position or the length of the path that it follows.

placement module:ol/style/TextPlacement | string <optional>

Text placement.

scale number <optional>


rotateWithView boolean <optional>

Whether to rotate the text with the view.

rotation number <optional>

Rotation in radians (positive rotation clockwise).

text string <optional>

Text content.

textAlign string <optional>

Text alignment. Possible values: 'left', 'right', 'center', 'end' or 'start'. Default is 'center' for placement: 'point'. For placement: 'line', the default is to let the renderer choose a placement where maxAngle is not exceeded.

textBaseline string <optional>

Text base line. Possible values: 'bottom', 'top', 'middle', 'alphabetic', 'hanging', 'ideographic'.

fill module:ol/style/Fill~Fill <optional>

Fill style. If none is provided, we'll use a dark fill-style (#333).

stroke module:ol/style/Stroke~Stroke <optional>

Stroke style.

backgroundFill module:ol/style/Fill~Fill <optional>

Fill style for the text background when placement is 'point'. Default is no fill.

backgroundStroke module:ol/style/Stroke~Stroke <optional>

Stroke style for the text background when placement is 'point'. Default is no stroke.

padding Array.<number> <optional>
[0, 0, 0, 0]

Padding in pixels around the text for decluttering and background. The order of values in the array is [top, right, bottom, left].